
Sunday, 24 May 2015

Tripping Out On Tarot

I've recently been experimenting with my recreational drug of choice......tarot.

I willingly admit, I do like colourful decks, rich vibrant meaty decks, the exception being my Hidden Realm cards, but thats another story.

I rally like my Osho Zen deck but rarely share it, feeling it may be seen as too woo-woo for most client readings.  

I love it for readings about spiritual growth and for contemplation, but for the favourite 'I met this guy and.....' questions, it just didn't seem to work for me.

However having recently started experimenting I decided to start using it as an 'everyday' deck where possible.

A client recently wanted some insight into a matter of the heart and so I did the reading using my faithful Illumiati deck (love it or loathe it, it has so much to offer in readings). 

I suddenly had the desire to pull the corresponding cards from Osho Zen and overlay them with the Illuminati cards and all I can say is 'WOW'!

This added a whole new dimension to the reading, it gave insight on so much of this relationship it was unreal.

I do have to say though, at some points I felt like I was having some weird trippy hallucination.  So. Much. Colour.

It possibly didn't help that it was a 12 card spread (X2) making 24 very vivid cards staring me in the face, but it was so worth it.

Obviously the reading took longer than it should, but I can honestly say, it was so rewarding, the client was so happy, and quite surprised I had got so much detail form the reading.  I had apparently touched on issues that she felt were so deeply buried that she actually said ' felt like you had climbed into my head and had seen my life through my eyes.'

That to me was enough to make me decide that I am going to start using this method more often.  Not, I may add, for the run of the mill 'love' readings, but where there seems to be an repeating or ongoing situation in a querent's life that they want really deep answers for.  

When a querent is willing to open themselves up to the inner work that needs doing, then I am willing to double the cards up and put that time in.

After all, its very nice to want to find out if you will meet the man of your dreams soon, but if you seem to be his worst nightmare, then surely having the tools to change that in yourself is the most powerful part of tarot.

1 comment:

  1. All that color. So right! There is so much joy in the diversity of decks~
