
Wednesday, 19 November 2014

1. The Magician of the Mature Kind

The Magician from Legacy of the Divine Tarot by Ciro Marchetti

I'm feeling like The Magician today.  

I only started this blog a few days ago and felt just like The Fool,  in a rapid transition I feel  I am now The Magician.  I am starting to find things are changing and taking shape in my life. I know too that I am the one making these amazing changes.  I am the one in control of what this universe is offering me and I am embracing it and using it to its full potential.
Certain things that I felt were eluding me are now coming into being.  I had all the tools yet I didn't know it, I knew what I needed to achieve and yet I couldn't make it work.

Suddenly its as if everything has fallen into place, everything was there just waiting to be manipulated in the right way and I am now making a progression on my life path.
Being no spring chicken I assume most people would think that I should have progressed way further than this.  I had.  Yet, several times, however in the last few years I had a rapid succession of my Tower being struck down.

I'm not one to dwell on the past, never have been, I don't ever believe that going backwards achieves anything.  My motto comes from the  Donna Summer song 'I don't wanna get hurt' from about 1988 (I told you I was no spring chicken).  The 2 lines of the song are,  'I don't need all friends to remind me, mistakes that I've already made.  I just leave the past behind me, and go on believing that I'll be okay'.  Yup I live by this, it doesn't mean to say I don't have emotional scars, I do.  At a very deep level but I am working on these daily and I can see that the scars are self inflicted, and only I can heal them.  This is mainly what led me to tarot.  

However I digress.  My main point about the Magician card lies in the fact that most tarot decks I have looked at portray this card with a youthful figure.  My love of the card from Legacy of the Divine is that it portrays our magical manifestor as an older man.  Someone who has tried time and time again to get the conditions right.  

He has the face of a person who has the ravages of time imprinted on his skin.  Across his cheek is, what looks like, a scar. Was it possibly caused by previous efforts blowing up in his face ?  

This is a man who has worked many times to manifest his desires and looks as if he has had many strikes against him in his efforts. His eyes hold the look of someone who has had a 'Eureka' moment and cannot believe it is now happening. His full concentration is focused on his creation, scared to drop his gaze in fear that it will fall or disappear from him.  It is within his grasp, he can reach out and touch it, in solid form.

For this reason I love this card.  I love that it realises, that for some, it may take many years to understand how to bring everything together and make it into something real and solid.  Especially in todays world where it seems love is disposable and financial stability is fragile.  But don't get me started on that. 

Love and light xx

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